Energy conservation has become a critical issue in modern system electronic devices.\r\nEnergy wastage in electronic devices occurs in both hardware and software\r\ncomponents. Software drives the hardware thus decisions taken during software\r\ndesign and development have significant impact on energy consumption of a\r\ncomputing system. Green Computing addresses energy conservation by application\r\nof different techniques at software and hardware level. Energy efficient compiler is a\r\nsoftware level green computing technique. Besides compiler optimization, an\r\neffective scheduling approach makes efficient use of resources to directly impact the\r\ngreen aspect. Therefore, focus of this paper is identification of energy conservation\r\nmeasures for software level and there utilization at compiler and scheduler. A\r\nDistributed Green Compiler (DGC) is presented in this research that is hardware\r\nindependent and uses an existing distributed compiler. It distributes source code of\r\nsoftware over a network, reshapes binary code by applying green strategies during\r\ncode transformation at compile time and gives green suggestion to software\r\nprogrammer for energy conservation. For scheduling, Distributed Interactive\r\nEngineering Toolbox (DIET) scheduler is used and a new algorithm is proposed for\r\nthe DIET scheduler. The proposed algorithm introduces green aspect in scheduler to\r\neffectually make use of resources in such a way that consumption of power and\r\ncarbon dioxide emission is reduced. Performance analysis of proposed compiler\r\nshows that it conserves energy clock cycles up to 40% by applying few green\r\nstrategies.